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Structure is a mechanism that provides a means to aggregate variables of different type. Thus a single structure might contain integer elements, floating-point elements, and character elements. Pointers, arrays, and other structures can also be included as elements within a structure. The individual structure elements are referred to as members.
Unlike structure, the array is a mechanism that provides a means to aggregate variables of similar type. That is, all elements in the array are of same data type.
Defining/Declaring a Structure
Structure declarations are somewhat more complicated than array declarations, since a structure must be defined in terms of its individual members. Its general form is given below:
struct structurename {
            member 1;
            member 2;
            memver m;

Here, struct is a keywork, structurename is a name of the structure, and member 1, member 2,…, member m are individual members.
These individual members can be ordinary variables, arrays, pointers, or other structures. The member names within a particular structure must be distinct from one another, though a member name can be the same as the name of a variable that is defined outside the structure. A storage class (e.g. auto, extern, static, or register) cannot be assigned to an individual member, and individual members cannot be initialized within a structure.
Once the composition of the structure has been defined, individual structure-type variables can be declared as follows:
storage-class struct structurename variable 1, variable 2, …, variable n;
Here, storage-class is optional, struct is a required keyword, structurename is the name that appeared in the structure declaration, and variable 1, variable 2,…, variable n are structure variables of type structurename.
For example, a typical structure declaration is shown below. This structure is named account (i.e., the structurename account). It contains four members: an integer quantity (acct_no), a single character (acct_type), an 80-element character array (name[80]), and a floating-point quantity (balance).
struct account {
int acct_no;
            char acct_type;
            char name[80];
            float balance;
We can now declare the structure variables oldcustomer and newcustomer as follows:
struct account oldcustomer, newcustomer;
It is also possible to combine the declaration of the structure composition with that of the structure variables, as shown below:
storage-class struct structurename {
            member 1;
            member 2;
            memver m;
} variable 1, variable 2, …, variable n;
In this situation, storage-class and structurename are optional. For example,
struct account {
int acct_no;
            char acct_type;
            char name[10];
            float balance;
} oldcustomer, newcustomer;
struct {
int acct_no;
            char acct_type;
            char name[10];
            float balance;
} oldcustomer, newcustomer;
A structure variable may be defined as a member of another structure. A structure that contains other structures as members is called nested structure. In such situations, the declaration of embedded structure must appear before the declaration of the outer structure. For example,
struct date {
            int month;
            int day;
            int year;
struct account {
            int acct_no;
            char acct_type;
            char name[10];
            float balance;
            struct date lastpayment;
struct account oldcustomer, newcustomer;
The members of a structure variable can be assigned initial values in much the same manner as the elements of an array. The initial values must appear in the order in which they will be assigned to their corresponding structure members, enclosed in braces and separated by commas. The general form is:
storage-class struct structurename variable = {value 1, value 2, …, value m};
Here, value 1 refers to the value of the first member, value 2 refers to the value of the second member, and so on. For example,
struct date {
            int month;
            int day;
            int year;
struct account {
int acct_no;
            char acct_type;
            char name[10];
            float balance;
            struct date lastpayment;
account customer = {1234, 'C', "Nawaraj", 1234.7, {5, 24, 90}};
It is also possible to define an array of structures; i.e., an array in which each element is a structure. For example,
struct date {
            int month;
            int day;
            int year;
struct account {
            int acct_no;
            char acct_type;
            char name[10];
            float balance;
            struct date lastpayment;
struct account customer[100];
An array of structures can be assigned initial values just as any other array. For example,
struct account customer[] = {{1234, 'C', "Nawaraj", 1234.7, {5, 24, 90}}, {4567, 'C', "Ram", 1034.5, {12, 24, 99}}};
Processing a Structure
The members of a structure are processed (accessed) as separate entities using period (.) that separates variable name from the member name. Its general form is:
Here, variable refers to the name of a structure-type variable, and member refers to the name of a member within the structure. For example,

struct date {
            int month;
            int day;
            int year;
struct account {
int acct_no;
            char acct_type;
            char name[10];
            float balance;
            struct date lastpayment;
struct account customer;
Now, you can access acct_no using customer.acct_no, acct_type using customer.acct_type, name using, balance using customer.balance, month using customer.lastpayment.month, day using, and year using customer.lastpayment.year.
For arrays of structures, we write
For example,
struct account customer[100];
Now, you can access acct_no using customer[i].acct_no, acct_type using customer[i].acct_type, name using customer[i].name, balance using customer[i].balance, month using customer[i].lastpayment.month, day using customer[i], and year using customer[i].lastpayment.year.
A Complete Example
Program to display customer information of customers having balance greater than 1000 using previous structures.
#define N 100
void main() {
            struct date {
                        int month;
                        int day;
                        int year;
            struct account {
                        int acct_no;
                        char acct_type;
                        char name[10];
                        float balance;
                        struct date lastpayment;
            struct account customer[N];
            int n,i;
            printf("How many customers:");
            for(i=0;i<n;i++) {
                        printf("\nEnter data for customer %d:\n",i+1);
                        printf("Enter account number:");
                        printf("Enter account type:");
                        scanf(" %c",&customer[i].acct_type);
                        printf("Enter name:");
                        scanf(" %[^\n]",customer[i].name);
                        printf("Enter balance:");
                        printf("Enter month:");
                        printf("Enter day:");
                        printf("Enter year:");
            printf("\nCustomers having balance greater than 1000:\n");
            for(i=0;i<n;i++) {
                        if(customer[i].balance > 1000) {
                                    printf("Account number: %d\n",customer[i].acct_no);
                                    printf("Account type: %c\n",customer[i].acct_type);
                                    printf("Name: %s\n",customer[i].name);
                                    printf("Balance: %f\n",customer[i].balance);
                                    printf("Month: %d\n",customer[i].lastpayment.month);
                                    printf("Month: %d\n",customer[i];
                                    printf("Month: %d\n",customer[i].lastpayment.year);
Structures and Pointers
We can use pointers with structure variables in the same manner as any other variables. For example,
struct account {
            int acct_no;
            char acct_type;
            char name[10];
            float balance;
struct account customer, *pc;
pc = &customer;
In this example, customer is a structure variable of type account, and pc is a pointer to customer.
An individual structure member can be accessed in terms of its corresponding pointer variable by using -> operator. For example,
scanf("%d", &pc->acct_no);
Note: A structure may include one or more pointers as its members. For example,
struct account {
            int *acct_no;
            char *acct_type;
            char *name;
            float *balance;
Passing Structures to Functions
We can pass structure variables to a function by passing a structure type pointer as an argument. A structure passed in this manner will be passed by reference rather than by value. Hence, if any of the structure members are altered within the function, the alteration will be recognized outside the function. For example,
struct account {
int acct_no;
            char acct_type;
            char name[10];
            float balance;
void main() {
struct account customer;
            void update(struct account *pt);
            printf("Enter account number:");
printf("Enter account type:");
            scanf(" %c",&customer.acct_type);
            printf("Enter name:");
            scanf(" %[^\n]",;
            printf("Enter balance:");
            printf("Account number: %d\n",customer.acct_no);
            printf("Account type: %c\n",customer.acct_type);
            printf("Name: %s\n",;
            printf("Balance: %f\n",customer.balance);
void update(struct account *pt) {
            pt->balance = pt->balance * 1.07;
Note: Newer version of C also permit an entire structure to be transferred directly to a function as an argument and returned directly from a function via a return statement. Here, the transfer is by value rather than by reference. Therefore, if any of the structure members are altered within the function, the alteration will not be recognized outside the function.
Self-referential Structure
It is sometimes desirable to include within a structure one member that is a pointer to the parent structure type. Hence, a structure which contains a reference to itself is called self-referential structure. In general terms, this can be expressed as:
struct structurename {
            member 1;
            member 2;
            struct structurename *name;
For example,
struct list_element {
            int item[40];
struct list_element *next;
This is a structure of type list_element. The structure contains two members: a 40-element integer array called item, and a pointer to a structure of the same type (i.e., a pointer to a structure of type list_element), called next. Therefore this is a self-referential structure.

Unions, like structures, contain members whose individual data types may differ from one another. However, the members within a union all share the same storage area within the computer’s memory, whereas each member within a structure is assigned its own unique storage area. Thus, unions are used to conserve memory. They are useful for applications involving multiple members, where values need not be assigned to all of the members at any one time. In general terms, the composition of a union may be defined as
union unionname {
            member 1;
            member 2;
            member m;
Here, union is a required keyword and the other terms have the same meaning as in a structure definition. Individual union variables can then be declared as:
storage-class union unionname variable 1, variable 2, …, variable n;
Here, storage-class is optional, union is a required keyword, unionname is the name that appeared in the union definition, and variable 1, variable 2, …, variable n are union variable of type unionname. For example,
union id {
            char color[12];
            int size;
union id shirt, blouse;
Here, we have two union variables, shirt and blouse, of type id. Each variable can represent either a 12-character string (color) or an integer quantity (size) at any one time.
Two declarations may be combined, just as we did with structures. Thus, we can write it as follows:
storage-class union unionname {
            member 1;
            member 2;
            member m;
} variable 1, variable 2, …, variable n;
3:51 PM

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